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ShopNotes 214 — Double Router All the Way Across the Sky

By: Phil Huber
John, Logan, and Phil discuss shop heat, doubled-up shop tools, and woodworking rituals.

This week holds a series of questions. Most of them revolving around change. The weather here in Iowa changed to cold and snowy. Logan changed his mind about tool doubles. And Phil changed his outlook on workshop tasks.

Workshop Heating

After addressing some listener questions, comments, and smart remarks, Logan discusses changes he's making to his shop heating. We talk about radiant heat, mini splits, wood stove and more. Outside of the southern states, what do you use for shop heat in the winter?

For me, I have a ceiling mounted quartz heater from Lee Valley and a small electric radiant heater. These work fine when the outside air is no lower than the upper 20s and I'm pretty active in my shop. Stepping away from the cone of heat is ... bracing. I dream of a woodstove, but figure it's not really practical. I'm a pessimist that way.

Doubled-Up Tools

As part of the projects Logan is building in his shop, he has come to realize the benefits of having multiple router tables. I recently built a second router table for my shop (again). Having two tables does offer some benefits in creating dedicated stations during some projects.

Router table

There are other options: Logan already has two band saws, several lathes, and he's still noodling the idea of two table saws, two beside the each.

The question then is what tools would you consider doubling up in your shop? Or what have you done with this already?

Woodwork Rituals

I wrap up with a quick question about shop rituals. What workshop tasks have you taken to another level? For me, it's gluing up a project with liquid hide glue. I have a glass of warm/hot water, the glue in a small plastic cup, a glue brush and I'm in a different place. What is it for you? Sharpening, perhaps. Or stock prep?

This episode of ShopNotes is brought to you by Grizzly Industrial. Purveyors of fine woodworking machinery since 1983, buy direct & save at Grizzly.com

Published: Nov. 22, 2024
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Topics: router, weekend, workshop



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