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ShopNotes Podcast Episode 17 — Workshop Oddities

By: Phil Huber
Phil, Logan, and Dillon talk about unusual but necessary workshop items and their current projects.

The topic for this episode was unusual workshop necessities. They may seem a little oddball, but they've proven their worth in your shop.

Logan: Shop Crocs. Yup. As soon as he enters his shop, Logan goes all Mr. Rogers and changes into his shop shoes to prevent tracking sawdust and chips into the rest of the house. Shop Crocs

A roll of rosin paper. Logan uses this to wrap tools for shipping, to protect his bench from finish and glue, and even for sketching and layout. Rosin paper

The Compu Cleaner blower. Without a compressor in his basement shop, Logan found this impulse purchase and uses it to clean up his shop. compu cleaner

Dillon: Double sided tape. Where would woodworking be without a roll or two of double-sided tape? Dillon has been using quite a bit lately as he makes

Phil: lanterns for the next issue (see below).Wax. All kinds. He gets beeswax from Logan, parafin wax from the grocery store, and Alfie Shine.

Projects We're working on: Dillon: Built a set of candle lanterns for Woodsmith magazine. The lanterns are made from cypress and redwood.

Logan: lantern in a rowHLanterns from above

as always wanted to make a plane inspired by British planemaker Bill Carter. His first attempt is a stunning one. Logan's plane side view Logan Plane top view Logan plane cupid bow The brass and steel came from Online Metals

Phil: Needed to organize his work from home desk. So a carved pine tray along the lines of Dave Fisher worked out nicely. Desk organizer

Published: May 1, 2020
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